NEW Dashboard with Reporting

- 8/6/2019

The NEW All American Dashboard and reporting tool is live. A training guide is provided at the bottom of this news for you to share with your Post & District Adjutants.


The changes in programs requirements have been made for $100 VMS donation. The requirement for all 3 categories of Teacher submission or donation of $75 per category. The requirement for VOD & PP participation or donation of $75  each for VOD & PP.


There have been some new features added just for adjutants at all levels to report/approve/disapprove their program participation reports in all the programs to provide transparency and accountability.


1. The status bar on the Dashboard will be reflected in the Yellow as Pending for the level that has not approved your report.


2. The Dashboard will not change to Green as Met until National Programs have approved the report.


3. The Dashboard will remain Red as Unmet until a report is entered.


Hover feature


Post Level VMS, Poppy, and Membership will have a hover over feature to show exactly the # of where you stand.


Department Level requirements Hover feature will show NLS & NVS reports by month.