POST 759 Earns All-State and All-American Awards

Jim Lutz - 8/7/2021

VFW Post 759, that turned 100 years in 2021, earned All-State and All-American awards for the 2020-2021 year.
Nebraska Presented All-State awards to Post 759 at the State Convention in June, in Norfolk NE.  Only 10 Posts were awarded this year.
VFW National Commander Hal Roesch sent a letter to Commander, Richie Bock, that Post 759 qualified as All-American.  While the Post was not in the top 25 Post in our division for membership, we still met all qualifications.  The top 25 Post Commanders were presented their hats at the National Convention in Kansas Cit.  Post 759 award and ribbon will be presented at a later date.  Post Members are authorized to purchase and wear the All-American cap for the 2020-2021 year.  Quartermaster Jim Lutz can help with ordering caps.  
This wraps up quite a year, with Covid, 100 years of Post 759, All-State, and All-American.  Congratulations is in order to all of the Post and Auxiliary members who made it such a success!!